My personal tone for the past decade been found in either great amps or boutique guitar pedals, and over that time I started crafting what I considered to be my sound. However, that meant I had this huge pedalboard and I found that whe touring around the world, everywhere I showed up, something would be wrong going through airport security. I would have the same problem just going from my house to my truck - there were loads of opportunities for my pedalboard to get messed up.
The Helix made it possible for me to have all my pedals and amp sims in one place. I didn’t want it to be 100% the same as my board, I knew that wouldn’t be possible. But could it be believable? Could it be something that still carried the character, feel and dynamics of what I was playing?
I’ve found that the helix can cater to a huge variety of sound. I’ve toured with it, used it regularly in worship sets in local church, and I’ve recorded with it repeatedly - I believe in it.