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Analog Heaven

Sem Schaap

223.71 MB


We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This product requires an authorized copy of MainStage. If any additional plugins are required, you'll find them listed in the product page description.
  2. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. Resampling or resale of the product is strictly forbidden.

More From Sem Schaap

This bundle has been put together to provide you with a wide range of analog sounding synth sounds. Whether you’re looking for a big lead sound, a fat sounding pad, a plucked sound, an arpeggiated sound or a synth bass – you are now equipped with plenty of options. If you want to expand your sound palette with a variety of synth sounds, this bundle is for you!

These sounds are not only great for for live usage, you can also use them to spice up your live or studio recordings or song demo’s. And of course don’t forget to combine them with your favourite sounds!

The first 33 sounds of this bundle are compatible with all native Mainstage set-ups: no additional plug-ins or sounds are required. As a bonus you also get 5 ‘pro’ sounds – for these sounds you will need Omnisphere and Valhalla Shimmer. 

Polyphonic Glide Synth

Strong Saw Chords

Strong Saw Chords Long

Dirty Glide Pad

Dark Teardrop Triangles

Analog Organ Pad

Analog Gentleness

Saw Delay Plucks & Pad

Thick Phasing Pad

Deadmorse Goes Square

Sidechain Pad

Heavy Detuned Lead and Pad

Bendy Sounds

Owl Sine Waves

Dramatic Plucks

Sine Synth

Sine Synth & Xylo

Jupiter Percussion Plucks

Manual Organic Plucks

Pluck O Maniac

Every Teardrop Is A Pluck

Saw Delay Arped

Owl Sine Waves Arped

Timeless Movements Arp

Bass SubBass Sine

Bass SubBass Legato 808

Bass Poly Pluck

Bass Arp Wide

Bass Little Fatty

Bass Deep Retro

Bass Portamento Glide

Polyphonic Glide Synth - PRO

Timeless Movements Arp - PRO

Bendy Sounds - PRO

Church Stab Pad - PRO

Mysterious Bleeps - PRO


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